[semester equivalent = 2.00 credits]



Anna Switzer



This course will help teachers develop their voice, presence, and power in the school context. It is designed especially for newer, younger, or less-confident-for-whatever-reason teachers. In addition, teachers will explore tools to help develop their students' voice and sense of power.  Note that "power" in the course refers to everyone in a classroom-- or school-- being empowered to do what they are there to do, and to do it effectively. Everything in the course is also applicable to administrators who are leading staff meetings, professional development sessions, or the like. School counselors may also find this material relevant to their work in building students' personal tool-kit for confidence. 

There are three interwoven aspects to the course: a) developing one's own "presence" and confidence in speaking in front of and/or managing others; b) developing student's voice in the classroom through the use of discussion protocols; c) using effective techniques for shifting between moments when teacher voice is central to what is happening and when student voice is central to what is happening. 

Required texts:
1) Presence, 2) The Power of Protocols: An Educator's Guide to Better Practice - Second Edition, and the audiobook 3) 51 Affirmations for Being a Powerful Speaker are required for everyone in the course. 4) Management in the Active Classroom is required for 500-level participants.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, participants will have:

1. Reflected on your current understanding of key terms in the course as well as motivations for taking the course. 

2. Taken a deep dive into the idea of “presence.”

3. Explored how the body can communicate power and/or powerlessness to the brain.

4. Considered how your voice can be strengthened through practice. 

5. Considered how you can practice certain postures to increase your presence. 

6. Considered the power of protocols in your classroom to shift teaching-as-talking to teaching-as-facilitating (sometimes).

7. Developed a daily practice with either voice or posture or both.

8. Tried out new protocols with your students.

9. Reflected on how your understanding of key terms has changed during this course.

10. Revised your thinking/planning by redoing an existing or previously taught lesson plan to include new protocols.

Completion of all specified assignments is required for issuance of hours or credit. The Heritage Institute does not award partial credit.

The use of artificial intelligence is not permitted. Assignment responses found to be generated by AI will not be accepted.

Completing the basic assignments (Section A. Information Acquisition) for this course automatically earns participants their choice of CEUs (Continuing Education Units), Washington State Clock Hours, Oregon PDUs, or Pennsylvania ACT 48 Hours. The Heritage Institute offers CEUs and is an approved provider of Washington State Clock Hours, Oregon PDUs, and Pennsylvania ACT 48 Hours.



Continuing Education Quarter credits are awarded by Antioch University Seattle (AUS). AUS requires 75% or better for credit at the 400 level and 85% or better to issue credit at the 500 level. These criteria refer both to the amount and quality of work submitted.

  1. Completion of Information Acquisition assignments 30%
  2. Completion of Learning Application assignments 40%
  3. Completion of Integration Paper assignment 30%


CREDIT/NO CREDIT (No Letter Grades or Numeric Equivalents on Transcripts)
Antioch University Seattle (AUS) Continuing Education Quarter credit is offered on a Credit/No Credit basis; neither letter grades nor numeric equivalents are on a transcript. 400 level credit is equal to a "C" or better, 500 level credit is equal to a "B" or better. This information is on the back of the transcript.

AUS Continuing Education quarter credits may or may not be accepted into degree programs. Prior to registering, determine with your district personnel, department head, or state education office the acceptability of these credits for your purpose.



Presence, by Amy Cubby.
ISBN# 0316256587. Available at Amazon for $14.49 new or $1.50 plus used.

51 Affirmations for Being a Powerful Speaker with Patrick Muñoz - Ebook and Audiobook Package.
Available at Amazon.

The Power of Protocols: An Educator's Guide to Better Practice, Second Edition, by Joseph McDonald.
ISBN# 0807747696.  Available at Amazon for approximately $11.00

Required only for 500 level participants choosing Option A - Assignment #13.
Management in the Active Classroom, by Ron Berger, Dina Strasser, and Libby Woodfin. Available at Amazon for approximately $14. 

None. All reading is online.





Assignments done in a course forum will show responses from all educators who have or are taking the course independently. Feel free to read and respond to others' comments. 
Group participants can only view and respond to their group members in the Forum. 

Assignment #1: Key terms

Reflect on your current understanding of key terms in the course.

1. In a journal, online word processor, or other format, set up a document that has three columns and 5 rows. 

a. In the top row, the column headings are as follows:

Key term    :        Current thoughts (dated __/__/__)    :            Later thoughts (dated __/__/__)

2.  In the first column, starting in the second row and then going downward, write in the following terms:





3. In the second column, put the current date in the column heading. Then, going downward, write your thoughts about each of these terms. Could include the definition, why the concept is important, and/or what you would like to learn about it. Upload a photo of this document and/or attach it to your response for #5 below. 

4. Watch this video: Assignment #1 Introduction Video (Anna)

5. Write a 1-2 paragraph reflection on what makes you interested in or drawn to this course. 

6. Leave the third column blank for now. You will come back to this later in the course. If you are doing this on the computer, make sure you save it in a place you know you can find again later.

Assignment #2: The Idea of Presence

Dive into the idea of “presence.”

1. Read the Introduction and Chapters 1-3 in Amy Cuddy’s book Presence. 

2. Write a 2-3 page reflection about what is striking you so far in the text. This could include:

a. What are your own personal or professional connections to the material here?

b. What studies that the author describes stick out to you and why?

c. In what instances in your life have you felt “present” AND not? 

d. Some other relevant question you prefer to answer. (State the question before answering it.)

Assignment #3: Power and Powerlessness

Explore how the body can communicate power and/or powerlessness to the brain.

1. Read Chapters 4-7 in Amy Cuddy’s book Presence. 

2. Write a 2-3 page reflection about what strikes you from these chapters. This could include:

a. What are your own personal or professional connections to the material here?

b. What studies that the author describes stick out to you and why?

c. In what instances in your life have you felt “power” AND “powerlessness”? 

d. Some other question you prefer to answer. (State the question before answering it.)

Assignment #4: Bringing in the Voice

Consider how your voice can be strengthened through practice. 

1. Listen to 51 Affirmations for Being a Powerful Speaker audiobook by Patrick Munoz

2. Identify 4 or 5 of the 51 affirmations that strike you as most important to you in your life right now. (Note: this could be regarding your professional or personal life or both.)

3. Using the middle section of the audiobook, and Patrick’s questions as a guide (but not a limitation), write 1-2 paragraphs about each of these 4 or 5 affirmations explaining why you identified them as particularly important for you. 

4. Optional: Consider beginning to practice these affirmations out loud every day. 

Assignment #5: Posing for Presence

Consider how you can practice certain postures to increase your presence. 

1. Read Chapters 8-11 in Amy Cuddy’s book Presence.

2. Write a 2-3 page reflection about what strikes you from these chapters. This could include:

a. What are your own personal or professional connections to the material here?

b. What studies that the author describes stick out to you and why?

c. Try out some of the “power” poses that the author describes (for 2-5 minutes minimum). Which one(s) did you choose? How did you feel: before, during, and after?

d. Some other question you prefer to answer. (State the question before answering it.)

Assignment #6: Shifting the Action to Students

Consider the power of protocols in your classroom to shift teaching as talking to teaching as facilitating (sometimes). 

1. Read the Preface and Chapter 1 in the book The Power of Protocols: An Educator’s Guide to Better Practice.

2. Write a 1-page reflection about what you are gleaning is the power of using protocols in your classroom/setting.

3. Read the first part of Chapter 2, up until specific protocols are being introduced. 

4. Write a 1-page reflection about how you can think of teaching as facilitation rather than as talking or presenting. (Note that in the chapter the language is around facilitating teachers in their learning, but you can reframe it in your mind to be around facilitating students–  and/or other learners of any kind–  in their learning.

Assignment #7: Protocols with real students.

Watch "live" students and teachers using protocols in their classroom.

1. Watch all of the following three videos: 

a. Chalk Talk

b. Interactive Word Wall 

c. Jigsaw

2. Pick one of these protocols, ideally the one that you are LEAST familiar with. Do some initial thinking about how you might use this protocol in your context. Note that these protocols can be used in many grade levels, and even with adult learners. You may want to watch the video of your choice more than once. Write a 3-4 page reflection on the following:

a. Why does this protocol interest you?

b. Why/when might you select to use this protocol?

c. What preparation would you need to complete in order for this protocol to work well. Think about "texts" needed, instructions for students, room set-up, etc. 

d. What outcomes would you hope for by using this protocol?

e. How would you end/complete the protocol? 

f. What might you do after the protocol in your context? What would be the next step?

Assignment #8: More protocols with real students.

Watch "live" students and teachers using (additional) protocols in their classroom.

1. Watch all of the following three videos: 

a. Take a Stand

b. Give One; Get One; Move On ("Go-Go-Mo")

c. Back-to-Back; Face-to-Face 

2. Pick one of these protocols, ideally the one that you are LEAST familiar with. Do some initial thinking about how you might use this protocol in your context. Note that these protocols can be used in many grade levels, and even with adult learners. You may want to watch the video of your choice more than once. Write a 3-4 page reflection on the following:

a. Why does this protocol interest you?

b. Why/when might you select to use this protocol?

c. What preparation would you need to complete in order for this protocol to work well. Think about "texts" needed, instructions for students, room set-up, etc. 

d. What outcomes would you hope for by using this protocol?

e. How would you end/complete the protocol? 

f. What might you do after the protocol in your context? What would be the next step?



In this section, you will apply your learning to your professional situation. This course assumes that most participants are classroom teachers who have access to students. If you do not have a classroom available to you, please contact the instructor for course modifications. Assignments done in a course forum will show responses from all educators who have or are taking the course independently. ​Feel free to read and respond to others' comments. Group participants can only view and respond to their group members in the Forum. 


Assignment #9: Assist Your Students with New Protocols for Learning

Try out new protocols with your students.

1. Read the sections in Chapter 2 of The Power of Protocols book that describe specific “Brief Protocols” and “Longer Openers.”

2. Pick one of these protocols that is new to you and your students. Option: You can also choose a protocol that was shared in Assignment 7 or 8 of this course. Teach it to your students and use it at least twice over the period of a week or two. Try to adjust it so that it fits with different classes or subjects but is the same basic protocol. Make sure to listen to what your students are saying during the protocol.

3. Write a 1-2 page reflection on how this protocol was successful or not, what you altered each time, what you learned by listening to your students talk, and what you would do to change it up for the next time you use it.

4. Read Chapter 3 of The Power of Protocols book. Pick one of these more involved protocols and plan a class period around using it. Make sure you have a solid “outside source” to use it with so that the discussion students have will be rich. Listen while they are talking – move around the room to hear different groups.

5. Write a 1-page reflection on how it went. What did you learn from trying it out and from listening to your students? What might you change for another time?

Assignment #10: Daily Practice and Revisit Key Terms

1. Develop a daily practice with either voice or posture or both.

a. Using the information gleaned from the Presence book and the 51 Affirmations audiobook, develop a plan for yourself to practice one or more new tools daily.

b. Practice daily for at least one week. Feel free to stick with the same practice each day or to practice something new each day. Allow yourself to evolve your practice as you are drawn to do so.

c. Write a 1 page reflection about what you noticed while doing your practice(s), about how your practice changed, and/or about what you noticed at the end of this week. Also include your plans for continuing to practice.Reflect on how your understanding of key terms has changed during this course.

2. Go back to the document or journal page you created in Assignment #1. Fill in the third column with your updated ideas about these 4 key terms.

3. Upload your document or send a photo of this completed chart.

4. Write a 1-2 paragraph reflection on what your biggest change from beginning to end was regarding these key concepts. Which one evolved the most based on your experiences so far?

Assignment #11: Revising a Previous Lesson Plan

Revise your thinking/planning by redoing an existing or previously taught lesson plan to include new protocols.

1. Look back in your records and find a lesson plan that you might likely use again in the future (ie next semester or next year).

2. Knowing what you now know, revise this lesson to include one or more protocols. 

3. Upload this lesson plan. Explain why you changed what you did and what you hope the outcome(s) of the changes will be. 

Assignment #12: (500 Level ONLY)

1. Purchase the book Management in the Active Classroom. Choose 2 of the 6 areas in the book to read thoroughly-- based on your goals at this point in your teaching practice. Note that the areas in the book include: Teacher Presence, Norms, Routines, Communication, Group Work, and Deeper Support for Challenging Behaviors.

2. Practice 2-3 new techniques inspired by these sections. Write a 2-3 page reflection on how your practice is growing and changing. How is your confidence in your abilities shifting?

Complete one of the following Options:


1. Similar to the above. Keep growing your toolbox through the use of either:

a. the remaining chapters in Power of Protocols and/or

b. the New School Reform online resource: 

2. Practice 2-3 new techniques inspired by these sections. Write a 2-3 page reflection on how your practice is growing and changing. How is your confidence in your abilities shifting?


Some other task or learning that relates to your or your students voice, presence, and power. Could be leading professional development on this topic, for example. Get approval from your instructor before embarking on this.


Assignment #13: (Required for 400 and 500 level)

(Please do not write this paper until you've completed all of your other assignments)

Write a 400-500 word Integration Paper answering these 5 questions:

  1. What did you learn vs. what you expected to learn from this course?
  2. What aspects of the course were most helpful and why?
  3. What further knowledge and skills in this general area do you feel you need?
  4. How, when and where will you use what you have learned?
  5. How and with what other school or community members might you share what you learned?


Instructors will comment on each assignment. If you do not hear from the instructor within a few days of posting your assignment, please get in touch with them immediately.


Anna Switzer, Ph.D., is a long-time educator and started her career in the classroom as a high-school Physics and Math teacher. Later, she taught Earth Science (courses and labs) and Oceanography (labs) at the college level. She has also taught pre-service teachers (science) and in-service teachers (K-12, all subjects). Anna earned a BA in Physics (Kenyon College), an MS in Oceanography (North Carolina State University), and a Ph.D. in Education (University of Michigan). She has a strong background in Experiential Education, Project-Based Learning, and Environmental Education. She is a watercolor artist, lives in Oregon, and has written one book (so far) called License to Learn: Elevating Discomfort in Service of Lifelong Learning (2020).



Berger, R., Strasser, D., Woodfin, L., Management in the Active Classroom; EL Education, New York, NY (2015)

Cuddy, A. Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to your Biggest Challenges; Back Bay Books, New York, NY (2015)

McDonald, J.P., Mohr, N., Dichter, A., McDonald, EC, The Power of Protocols: An Educator's Guide to Better Practice, 2nd Edition; Teachers College Press, New York, NY (2007)

Munoz, P., 51 Affirmations for Being a Powerful Speaker with Patrick Munoz; The Voice Zone (2017)

School Reform Initiative, "Protocols";