Challenging Students,  Classroom Management,  Counseling & Special Ed

AUTISM: Questions & Answers

Course No. ED445Y, ED545Y

There are many students who appear to lack social understanding, have difficulties with communication and with basic learning skills.  The general term of “Autism” is often thrown about and quickly attached to these types of children. 
What is Autism?  What are the causes?  Is there a cure?  What other issues impact those children who are diagnosed and fall within the spectrum of Autism?   Different people with autism can have very different symptoms. 
In this course, we will learn about Autism, gain a greater medical understanding of Autism, understand characteristics and causes, as well as focus on intervention approaches and learning models that assist children within the school setting.
This course will assist anyone working with children who show characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Whether you are an educator, a parent, a relative, or simply someone who wants more understanding about this complex and confusing disorder, this course will give you a solid knowledge base.
This is a course designed for all educators working within the school setting, Pre-school through High School.
We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
1. Recognized key characteristics of disorders discussed in class.
2. Listed numerous types of autism and share a greater understanding of each one.
3. Developed effective intervention approaches for children identified within the Autism Spectrum.
4. Modified curriculum to meet the special needs of children with Autism and other areas of needs.
5. Identified various methods of interventions and how they apply to varying disorders.
6. Analyzed a case study, develop interventions, and provide appropriate levels of academic activities.
7. Looked up disorders within the DSM-IV and understand general medical diagnosis information as well as purposes of medications for disorders.

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