Challenging Students,  Classroom Management,  Counseling & Special Ed


Course No. ED458T, ED558T

Why does one student get argumentative when she doesn’t get her way and another student become withdrawn when he feels hurt? What does it mean when a child makes negative comments about assignments, students or adults? While many behaviors may seem random and without justification, there is actual purpose behind them? This course will explore some of the things that underlie behavior and help educators to understand the “function of behavior” within students.

Participants will learn ways to increase productive motivation, reduce power struggles, and encourage more positive relationships between students.  We will explore the behavior continuum and evaluate various stages of behavior, and then examine some developmental approaches and specific interventions to support behavior change.

Each participant will analyze specific behaviors within his or her own setting and develop strategies for teaching alternative skills (or replacement skills) to students. We will also explore some of the less effective responses adults often elect to address specific student behaviors and suggest strategies that will be more supportive to positive behavioral changes in the classroom.

This course is appropriate for all grades, P-12 teachers, para-educators, counselors, administrators, and other support personnel.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
  1. Identified various components of behavior as they relate to underlying causes and motivations for behavior.
  2. Analyzed the function of select behaviors and developed positive behavior programming for students.
  3. Utilized various interventions to address a variety of mal-adaptive behaviors that interfere with learning in the classroom.
  4. Recognized areas of underachievement that are often masked by aggressive behaviors.
  5. Written effective plans for students that coordinate academic learning and social skills acquisition.
  6. Recognized behavior characteristics and related them to motivation and behavior for individual students.

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