Teaching Wellness


Course No. ED477v, ED577v

Technology – smartphones, social media, the Internet – can make our lives easier and more fulfilling.  However as with everything else, too much can be overwhelming and even unhealthy.  It is important that we – and our students - learn to disconnect and pursue activities, and have experiences that are not technologically dependent. Participants explore the why and how to unplug/disconnect, spend some time experiencing unplugged time, and learn how to implement some unconnected time in the classroom as well.

This course is geared towards teachers and counselors of all grade levels.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
  1. Spent time analyzing their voluntary connected/plugged-in time.
  2. Learned why it is important that each person disconnects.
  3. Learned how to successfully disconnect and unplug.
  4. Explored and experienced hobbies and activities that are not technologically dependent.
  5. Created a presentation about disconnecting to use in the classroom.
  6. Examined their own journey to find balance within a world full of technology.

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