Health, PE & Coaching

PASS THE VEGGIES PLEASE: Toward a Plant-Strong Diet

Course No. ED466f, ED566f

With the steady rise in the price of groceries everywhere, it's time to invite more veggies to mealtime! Colorful nutritious veggies are quite happy to grace your plate, your bowl, sit in your hand, or smile incognito from within your shake. Learn more about the restorative powers of plants to boost your energy, quench your appetite and freshen your mood. Support well being at school and at home: Pass the Veggies, Please!

Required Text: Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health, The Experiment; 1 edition. ISBN-13: 978-1615191468. $14.95 Available from the bookseller of your choice. Required Movie: Forks Over Knives: the Film.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
  1. Set perceptions at a starting point that resonates with course assignments, personal mood and learning ambitions.
  2. Learned more about health benefits from a plant- strong diet, from experts in the field and personal experiences. .
  3. Gathered data and opinions from an online panel discussion, to support a personal orientation that welcomes more veggies at each meal.
  4. Modified and consumed meals that are more plant-based.
  5. Discussed with others how to inspire, promote and integrate learning from this course into existing or new curriculum.
  6. 400/500 level: Developed a sequence of 3 lessons that showcase new learning from this course. Planned and suggested a pilot program for a Teaching Kitchen for learners of all ages.
  7. 500 level: Chosen and completed 2 assignment options that deepen understanding with a focus on the ways and means of eating a low carbohydrate plant-strong diet.

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