
Graphics, Visuals and Digital Communication Made Easy With Canva

Course No. CM403o, CM503o

Never thought of yourself as someone who can make beautiful graphs, presentations, videos, charts, infographics, or posters?

Think again; Canva makes designing all these visuals (and more) a breeze.   Course participants start with setting up and applying for the free (yes, free!) pro-teacher account and then plunge into templates, elements, design choices, branding, video, student use, and much more. Participants are encouraged to build designs they can immediately use in their classroom, keeping the learning practical and useful.

Join Michael Boll, your instructor, as he guides your journey with helpful video screencasts and insights along the way, and take a step into the Canva world and emerge as a stellar designer loaded with ideas on how best to communicate visually.

This course is appropriate for all educators from Pre-K to High School and beyond.

Learn more about this course, including some QuickTips, by visiting

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
  1. Setup and become comfortable designing in the outrageously remarkable Canva environment and workspace

  2. Leverage Canva's power to build design-oriented lessons for students

  3. Develop your own look, feel, and brand that compliments your design preferences

  4. Explore the current and future trends of visual literacy and design

  5. Build a bundle of new visuals for immediate use in your in-person and digital classroom

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